Our Backyard

This is an amazing story.

Keren is an appreciator of art and portraiture. Here mother creates beautiful work, and Keren proudly displays the growth of her children via pictures ascending her stairs. And yet, she said it had been years since they took a proper picture altogether. She wanted one to proudly display in her living room, and she wanted perfection.

Here’s where the story takes a melodic twist… when we discussed possible locations, I mentioned that we built paths through the woods and down to the creek behind the studio. She immediately scheduled to come over and look with me. I walked her down and through, and pointed to where it all backed up to her parents’ home. And then it really sank in. This was the perfect location. Not only because it was my backyard, but because, growing up, it was hers.

Here’s the design we created for her home:

Framing isn’t a typical offering, but we wanted the style and colors to tie into the existing pieces and room.

She wasn’t pleased with the school photo for one of her kids this year, and asked if we could pop into the studio and create one for the stairway.

I can’t wait to show you the finished installation!

L’dor vador, from one generation to another, and back to the backyard again.