Not Annual Nor Insane

I call our yearly family self portrait the “annual insanity.” But I can’t use the term anymore, I’m afraid.

Our synagogue is asking everyone to submit family portraits for a mosaic project (which I’m so excited about!). I was editing portraits for two other families at that moment, and I realized I haven’t done ours since the beach two years ago! The shoemaker’s children have no shoes!

I add every year to our wall gallery - how did I skip a whole year??

Even more so, I realized we needed to update ours mere days before my daughter left for her first time at summer camp for a month, so with no time, I grabbed items from everyone’s closet, and hauled my tripod and lights to the front yard.

The top portrait will move to the stairs, and the new gallery wrap will take its place:

This is where I normally post a hilarious outtake. But there are none. Because my kids crushed it. So I guess I can’t call it “Annual” OR “Insanity” anymore!
(But I WILL do better! Every year or bust!)

Update! Galleries updated!