Posts tagged kosher atlanta
The Spicy Peach: Cuisine and Heart

It was terrifying to take the plunge.

For years, I had been incorporating Kashrut (eating kosher food) bit by bit in different ways, but when I went all in, it felt equally liberating and sad. I was relieved to no longer live in the in-between, to totally commit and have another avenue for connection. But I’m a foodie. There were so many delectable elements I took for granted in my cooking, like a nice wedge of parmesan rather than the powdery stuff. I was saying goodbye to my homemade curries, to exquisite cheeses…

Until The Spicy Peach showed up. Tzippy, Jodi, and Lydia came together to revolutionize the Kosher scene in Atlanta. Not only with an outstanding cheese selection, but with ingredients from around the world critical to recreating international cuisines.

It’s not just that they brought super-fresh sushi, salads, and panini; it’s not just that they shipped in foodie amazingness, but they upped the game across the board. We started seeing the chain groceries stretching a bit.


But these women aren’t just spicy.

They’ve got a lot of heart, too. You see it in the people that come around, the people they employ. They take the community under their wing and provide more than just comfort food, but true comfort.

They also are the real deal southern ladies, with multiple generations here.

Jodi’s story (and my photography capturing her) was told by Faces of Orthodoxy.

And I’ve popped into the store, and not known which of three generations of Schloss/Teller was going to greet me behind the counter.

Want to see the community? Grab a bite, sit at a table out front, and watch as everyone comes by.

Y’all come back now, y’hear?