Talent and Flashbacks

Oh, man, was it a throw back to be able to do headshots for Miriam, aspiring actor/singer. To talk industry, to remember getting my own first headshots with the same agenda. Miriam was delightful- so sweet and personable. Just the kind of young lady you would want on a set or in a cast…

Can we talk crazy convergence here?
How did I meet Miriam?

Over 15 years ago, I met her Mom as I was performing in a couple of shows at The Center For Puppetry Arts here in Atlanta. Sara works as their Digital Learning Director: a fantastic and busy job, made much moreso during this pandemic. Then- HAHA TWIST- I moved into photography, and I moved onto her street!! Chatting after the session, while I walked them back home, it was incredible how many different ways our lives touch.

I can’t wait to watch Miriam’s trajectory!