Welcome to the family!!

Let me introduce you to Corrie. And then, let me tell you why Corrie is a big deal for us.

I’ve only just begun to get to know her, but here’s what’s clear: she has passion and drive, but seeks balance and tempers her decisions by really checking in with herself. She’s energized by change and opportunity. She’s very talented, transitioning from Marketing at Turner Broadcasting into Real Estate. She’s got a couple spunky kiddos who tell her exactly what they think. She really understands people. She asked my husband to take a personality assessment- and told him spot on what he was before he revealed his results.

And here’s why all of this is so important to my family…

My husband and I are both small business owners. You already know what I do. My husband got into real estate, grew his business, took on Pam, an amazing partner, and then was hired by his brokerage to coach other Realtors. He now coaches 79 Realtors, and helps them explore their goals, desires, and actualize the steps necessary to grow and better serve their clients. He was recently able to hire Candace to assist with coaching!

The twist? While helping others launch and scale their businesses, Billy determined that his clients deserved more attention and a higher level of service. SO NOW THE FAMILY HOME GROUP HAS CORRIE AT THE HELM!! She is here to help the business explode: to provide top-notch service, and to execute the vision Billy has always had for his real estate team.

If you have ever started your own business, you understand the excitement, the nerves, the amazement, of seeing your baby to a place where you bring in leadership.

Corrie is the match we’ve been seeking. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY, CORRIE!